Sunday, April 14, 2013


Yesterday I went to Starbucks after taking the ACT with my friend. I ordered a cappuccino, and upon ordering I was asked if I would like flavoring in my coffee. Normally I just drink black coffee at a mom and pop type restaurant, and on this occasion I wanted to try something new. So I puzzlingly stared at the lady, and all I could think at that moment was do I look like a female? Was I dressed particularly metro-sexual today? The question had really caught me off guard. This is the first time in 2013 that I had ever heard of flavoring in coffee. I responded with a polite no thank you to the cashier and after we walked away I abruptly turned to my friend and said, "Do I look like I have a vagina?" I was baffled. Coffee doesn't need flavor. The only thing acceptable to put in coffee is a little bit of cream or milk. That's why its coffee. You don't need to put 6 tsps of estrogen in your coffee to like it. If you don't like coffee don't buy it. Don't spoil it by putting cups and cups of sweet in your coffee.

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